Scientists baffled by eels that can walk on land Eels are a fish that lives in water, right? WRONG! Scientists were baffled when they found eels that could walk on land. The eels were first seen in Japan, where scientists were investigating why the eels were dying in large numbers. When they spotted the eels walking on land, they were shocked! The eels seemed to be fine and were walking around like normal creatures. Scientists don't know how the eels are able to walk on land, but they are working on figuring it out. Some theories suggest that the eels evolved to be able to walk on land because of something in their environment, while others think that the eels might have been born with this ability. No matter what the reason is, it's clear that these eels are different from other eels. They may even be a new species of eel! More research needs to be done to find out for sure, but until then, scientists will just have to be baffled by these walking eels. Eel invasions ...
Electric eel shocks biologists! Electric eels (Electrophorus electricus) have long been known to be capable of delivering a powerful electrical shock, but biologists have now discovered that the creatures can also generate electric fields that allow them to "see" in the dark. The discovery was made by a team of researchers at Vanderbilt University who were studying how the eels use their electrical abilities to navigate in dark waters. They found that when an eel swims through water containing small particles, it generates an electrical field that causes the particles to move. By detecting the movement of these particles, the eel can determine its location and movement in complete darkness. This ability is likely what allows the eels to feed on aquatic prey at night, as well as navigate their way through the murky waters of rivers and swamps. It may also help them escape from predators, as well as hunt down prey. The discovery of the eel's "sixth sense" ...